Find places to ride off-road near you.

Struggling to find places to ride your new gravel bike? You’ve just bought yourself a gravel bike, you head out, you find plenty of mud and dirt, ploughed up fields, impassable fences and gates and no gravel in sight!

That’s were RideByGravel comes in useful, If you don’t want to go out and get covered in mud every ride – go ahead and explore RideByGravel first before heading out that door.

Creating an account at RideByGravel is free, and by signing up you can help share your knowledge by creating segments on the map.

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Find Segregated Cycle Lanes near you.

None of the current big tech companies mapping websites currently highlight segregated cycle lanes. Not even Google Maps.

Governments around the world are slowly playing catch up on providing high quality cycle paths, segregated or otherwise in order to reduce emissions and ease congestion. Right now this infrastructure is very fragmented, non-existent or people just don’t know about it.

If you have segregated cycle lanes near you or anywhere you have ridden – go ahead sign up today (it’s free!) and let us know where they are by creating segments on the map.

Sign Up Explore Segregated Cycle Lanes

coundon cycleway coventry

Share your knowledge with others.

By signing up for RideByGravel (it’s free!) you can share your own adventures to the map, not only are you helping other riders, it’s also a permanent record of the places you have ridden exclusively by surface type.

It’s very early days here at RideByGravel and we need your help in making RideByGravel become a useful resource, you can help by signing up and getting involved.

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share your experiences off-road and gravel